Online Marketing Strategy – Google Plus!
Online Marketing Strategy
Online Marketing Strategy – Google Plus role in your online marketing, why use Google plus and is this going to be useful for business?
Online Marketing Strategy using Google plus, the key reasons may not be obvious and the results are too soon to see all the advantages.

Online marketing strategy you’ve no doubt heard about social media and media marketing right? As far as internet marketing strategies go at least a few positives here for Google Plus.
Online marketing strategy and Google’s answer to email marketing with traffic and social networking platform in thrown into the mix for good measure.
If you’re one of 20 million to already have your account setup and you’re beginning to explore Google plus wondering if it’s an online marketing strategy which becomes part of your online marketing…
Online Marketing Strategy – here’s the why and what you can be using Google plus for:
1) Circles of Friends: Circles is how Google plus works to accurately group your followers.
The power of social networking works in providing more targeted information so people share information they’re interested in.
Let’s face it, everyone has different interests. The big idea behind this is each time someone share your content it has much more effectiveness because it’s engaging with like minded people…
2) Website strategies: Google plus isn’t meant to be Facebook. Google plus is not functional in the same capacity as Facebook Fan Pages.
Google plus offers plus +1 map website integration and new social marketing strategies, which is an effective way for you to test and tweak offers on a bigger scale…
3) Google +1: Plus one is Google’s answer to a ‘Like’ button and you can see plus one (Google +1) is positioned to become an integral factor of Google’s search algorithm.
4) Business Profiles: Google plus business profile is on it’s way so for the moment Google plus is for personal use rather than for business.
Google plus – dive in and get started because its already in the works as far as Google plus notices are posted inside everyone’s Gmail inbox.
This means its functional 100% in real-time via Gmail deliverability and one crucial step in making Google plus a must for email marketing.
Website optimisation and SEO? Search engine optimisation at your finger tips…because as you write about a subject on Google plus your circle of friends can Google the subject.
This means your comments and links are displayed automatically on Google’s page one. Talk about lighting the fuse, this is a bomb!
Automatic backlinking without on-site optimization gets you automatic free traffic. The only question is how are you utilising the simplicity and power of Google plus? Feel free to leave your comment below…